Newcastle Sport

He defied medical specialists to claim two world titles earlier this year and be rated the best junior waterskier in the world, but that’s still not enough to satisfy Tim Bradstreet.
The Arcadia Vale teenager has much bigger plans yet in the sport he loves.
I thought your story on Bradstreet was great – good to skiiers getting the recognition that they deserve!
Though I must say as a skiier myself I was very annoyed that he was wakeboarding without a lifejacket on ! It’s all great that he can walk on water, but we all know accidents happen! Not setting a good example!
Tim is an amazing skiier. T Williams no offence but he was trick skiing not wake boarding and there is a big difference. And he has had a big accident, a huge one more than once. he knows what he is doing. Your awesome Timmy keep it up!!! xx
Well to everyone he is my cousin and I am very proud of him. Go all the way Timmy B love u xxoo