North West News


Nurruby day care centres in Narrabri and Wee Waa have hit back at Narrabri Shire Council – after being told they’ll need to fork out thousands of dollars in commercial rent fees.
The decision’s set to hit the hip pockets of hundreds of parents across the region.

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One Comment

  1. This is the kind of underhanded money grabbing scheme that Narrabri Shire Council has stooped to. They sneak things in and hope no one realises, then when we do find out it is too late because Council has already made a decision. This rent charge will affect a lot of children, including the children serviced by Nurruby’s Early Intervention service. It will mean children like my two year old son, who has been diagnosed with autism, will again be shoved aside so Council can raise a little revenue. It is bad enough that he is disadvantaged because of where we live, but to deny him the help he needs for financial reasons is unconscionable. Shame on you Narrabri Shire Council, shame.

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