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The Gloucester community turned out in overwhelming numbers last night, for a public meeting to discuss AGL’s coal seam gas project.

NBN News was barred from recording the meeting, with a ‘media protocol’ agreed to as part of the company’s participation.

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  1. If Mr AGL is so worried about media- why hold a private press tour after the public event. Bloody hypocrite. Mike Micro Media Manger Moranza

  2. Petrochina has brought part of AGL this week. So much for not intending to export gas! Liars.

  3. Criminals require silence and secrecy to be successful. The events at this public meeting should have been made public. Big Gas strikes again…..

  4. Typical of the underhand behaviour exhibited by these energy/gas companies. One only needs to visit Tara Qld and surrounding areas to see the disgusting truth of these industries.

  5. To ban the media then do a media conference says it all – this was meant to be a public meeting so why was the media banned – because that way they could just present the usual industry spin, answer no questions and leave believing their own lies yet again. They wonder why this industry has NO SOCIAL LICENSE and why everyone will be LOCKING THE GATE as fast as they can!

  6. So they’re mixing CSG treated water and natural water at a test site for crop farming. And exacting what independent body – not in the pocket of AGL or being paid by CSG mining interested money – is overseeing this project? Right. None.

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