Mid North News


The effort to relocate Port Macquarie’s infamous flying fox colony moved a step forward today.

A petition has been launched calling on the New South Wales Legislative Assembly to develop a management strategy to deal with bats in urban areas.

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  1. Whatever happened to journalistic balance? This article has a silly headline: “infamous”? Really? My family and I look forward to seeing the fruit bats whenever I am in the region. It’d be sad if they were targeted for removal. Trying to scare off the colony is a mistake: the science shows that by upsetting the animals they become more prone to disease which they then take with them to new places. As Cairns recently discovered when they ignored the expert advice and tried to remove a bat colony form the CBD, these relocations are often unsuccessful- Cairns has now spread the bats to new areas many of which are worse places to have bats. The town should be looking for ways they can capitalise on the animals- tourists love them- Australian’s just don’t realise how lucky we are to have such amazing animals living with us. Come on Port Macquarie- I thought you were better than this.

  2. It is disappointing that journalists do not take the time to find and report facts but instead choose to use sensationalist headlines to sell a story.

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