Port Stephens MP Craig Baumann has stood aside from the Liberal Party, following damning evidence at the Corruption Commission.
Mr Baumann today admitted to the inquiry that he failed to disclose donations from developers Jeff McCloy and Hilton Grugeon.
“I inadvertently made a dishonest declaration and I apologise,” he said.
Mr Baumann also admitted to being involved in tax fraud.
His accountant Vincent Heufel donated $100,000 to his 2011 campaign as part of an agreement which effected Mr Baumann’s taxable income.
Mr Baumann’s company had built Mr Heufel’s home and a deal was done that he wouldn’t have to make the final $160,000 payment.
This afternoon New South Wales Premier, Mike Baird, released a statement saying he has “accepted the decision of Craig Baumann to stand aside from the parliamentary Liberal Party and relinquish his parliamentary positions.
“I am not prepared to allow this to become a distraction for the Party or the Government,” he said.
We’ll bring you the full wrap of today’s hearing on NBN News tonight at 6.