North West News
Promoting sustainable living was the focus at a rural women’s morning tea in Loomberah today.
More than 40 residents from across the region talked about ways to save energy, time and money, while working on the land.
The event was hosted by Sustainable North West as part of its annual events program, and aims to bring women in small communities together.
“A lot has been in the growing department actually, you’re own vegetables, and when to plant them and what the produce, what you actually gain, as in nutrition.”
Sustainable North West will also host dinners in Bingara and Warrah Creek over the next week.
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Looks like your videos are broken – none of them have any video, just sound
Actually video shows on Mobile, but not PC/Mac – also, the news commentators audio is missing, it just has quiet background noise and a short loud interview in the middle!