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A father-of-three from the Central Coast is challenging politicians online after the recent scandal exposing Federal MPs using taxpayers dollars to fund their own family’s travels.

Stephen Callaghan, has launched an online campaign requesting politicians to donate $5000 for his family holiday to Uluru.

Mr Callaghan already had plans to drive his family to Uluru for a holiday, when it emerged Education Minister Tony Burke charged tax payers $12,000 for his family’s 2012 business class flights to the same destination.

‘Dear Federal MPs… I would appreciate it greatly if you were able to donate to my Go Fund Me campaign so MY kids can go on a holiday too,’ Mr Callaghan posted on his fundraising page on Saturday.

‘I won’t be accepting donations from everyday Australians…. they have already paid too much for YOUR kids…. all I ask is that, in the words of our great Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, my children get a “fair go.”

His donations currently sit at $4,812 with one donation from a local Lake Macquarie Councillor, Chad Griffith. He is yet to receive any funds or feedback from Federal politicians.

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