North West News


Adam Marshall has come out swinging, accusing Armidale service stations of ‘daylight robbery’ following a spate of complaints from local motorists.

The member for Northern Tablelands is calling on the consumer watchdog to investigate the higher fuel prices for a second time, after they conducted a review into the prices last August.

He claims a litre of diesel in Armidale is up to 19 cents more expensive than any other location in the region.


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One Comment

  1. It has been that way for as long as anyone can remember. I lived in Armidale for 35years and all you can do is say how unfair it is to pay more for everything than anywhere else … I used to call it the Armidale tax. The consumer ‘watchdogs’ are aptly named as all they can do is ‘watch’ this happening. Never will be able to do anything about it.

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