Newcastle News


It’s been off-limits for years, but finally the old Newcastle Bowling Club reserve at King Edward Park is open to the public again.
The state government took the step today – however, the site’s long-term future remains in limbo.

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Kate Haberfield

Kate Haberfield is a senior sport reporter/presenter with NBN News. After studying Broadcast Journalism at Charles Sturt University, Kate worked in television and radio in Canberra and Sydney for six years before returning to her hometown of Newcastle in 2009.

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  1. We would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of Newcastle – `The Local Developers´ and pay respect to their elders past and present.

    We can only hope that this is the last we see of the Stronach Land Claim upon King Edward Park. :–)

  2. Great! Another piece of land we can pay our rates to have maintained by a council who are already stretched to the limit.
    Surely there is already plenty of recreational area in the inner city.
    The proposed development was very low key would have been a great asset to the area.
    King Edward Park is a fantastic resource and a nearby kiosk would have been welcomed to save a long walk down the hill.
    The development would have complemented the soon to be re-opened Bogey Hole.
    Stronach won the tender legitimately and should have a a right to go ahead.
    “Concerned citizen” was probably against the Merewether Surfhouse too.

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