NBN News Rewind

Rewind Series 3 Episode 3 – Local Charities

It was nineteen sixty three, and patrons at a Local Hotel,
were raising funds for people in need.
NBN Cameras were there to cover the story.

We’ve always been proud to keep our viewers informed of the activities of charities and support groups.

A new Chest X ray van offered a free service to the people of our region.

Operation Goodwill provided gift fodder for drought affected areas
and Koora enterprises opened in Muswellbrook,
the local lions club donated this kombi, for transport use.

Across the region NBN Captured stories of generosity.

Walkathons were held, this event raised money to fund a hostel for the homeless.
And this one for an indigenous training centre.

Shortland Boy Scouts played their part too,
collecting cans during a local food drive.

and Meals on Wheels was established in the early sixties
this team of kind hearted volunteers were supporting those in need
helping create a more caring community.

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