Newcastle News


Some Fullerton Cove residents say they’ll blockade the entrance of a coal seam gas operation for as long as it takes, to convince authorities to stop the project.

Dart Energy has started site work ahead of drilling eight wells.

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  1. Thank you NBN for your bravery in reporting on the efforts of your local concerned citizens to protect the land. Clearly people do not want mining in their backyards! I look forward to some innovative reporting by NBN on sustainable food and energy incentives that are happening now in communities across the central coast.

  2. Thank you NBN for reporting on the efforts of your local concerned citizens to protect the land. Clearly people do not want mining in their backyards! I look forward to some innovative reporting by NBN on sustainable food and energy incentives that are happening now in communities across the central coast.

  3. thank you nbn for keeping me up to date no the csg blockade at fullerton cove.please keep up your good work.look forward to your great coverage from paul reynolds

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