Rewind Series 3 Episode 20 – Animal Encounters, Lion Park and Marineland

When viewers tuned into NBN news one night in the 70’s they might have concluded that the crew had travelled to the wilds of Africa..
But no!… It was the Raymond Terrace Lion Safari.
Many will remember the experience of driving through, seeing the carnivores up close.
A trip north to Marineland was an adventure too.
The Gold Coast’s first ever major aquatic theme park, offered holiday makers a chance to see dolphins up close.
Experiences like these gave locals an opportunity to interact and learn, often with a strong emphasis on conservation
The Australian Reptile park in Wyoming played a crucial role in snake antivenom production.
Fellowes Zoo near Muswellbrook, offered unique insight into animal behaviour. Educating visitors on native creatures and some of the more exotic species.
For our early news crews, it was a chance to film wildlife up close, giving NBN News viewers in 1970, an animal encounter, right from their living rooms.