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Young driver clocked overtaking police at 160km/h

A young driver recorded travelling at 160km/h on the Central Coast told highway patrol officers she was admiring their unmarked car as she whizzed past.
The 24-year-old woman was pulled over in her Toyota Corolla by highway patrol officers last Friday on the M1 motorway at Somersby.
“As she passed police they followed the driver and checked her speed at 160km/h in the 110km/h zone,” the Traffic and Highway Patrol Command wrote in a post on its Facebook page.
“She was stopped and stated she was unaware of police however did think it was a nice car as she passed them.”
The compliment did not lead to any leniency from the officers.
The woman’s licence was suspended on the spot for 6 months and she was issued with a $2794 fine.