Newcastle News

20 months since the final fig was removed from Newcastle’s Laman Street, the road will re-open to traffic on Monday.
10 new Hills figs have been planted, with concreting, landscaping and paving also complete.
Ken Gouldthorp, the General Manager of Newcastle Council today said “the $2.2-million in expenditure on the project includes at least two thirds spent underground, the work gone on underneath to put in tree vaults.”
A street party, including market stalls, will be held tomorrow, from 4pm until 7pm.
Absolutely Useless.
This is a prime example of Newcastle City Council urban development and planning. It needs to be stamped out so we can inject prosperity into the city.
Where are the carparks?
I don’t go into the city to do my shoping and carry my items home on public transport. Why, because I have children, public transport is filthy and I don’t have a spare hour to travel 6 kilometres.
Oh and anotherthing, it’s nice to see Merewether Baths and surrounding area receive some much needed attention during the peak swimming season. Has anyone noticed the reduction in car parking their as well?
I loved the natural cathedral that was Laman St, It was a beautiful almost magical forest within the cultural centre of the city. I believe council made a mess of the process but the new Laman St has the potential to become a wonderful place as well. NOt the same, not as AWEsome but more a gathering place that opens up more of the civic area.