Gold Coast News


Remember the old school choir? Standing as stiff as a board, arms by your side, while the teacher madly waved their hands about?

Well, group singing has come a long way – suddenly, all the cool kids are doing it.

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  1. Hi I am the Musical Director of Voices In paradise (I was in this news story). I heard that the clip was aired but i cannot view it on your website as it seems at though the video is linked to the wrong story (it’s linked to a AFL story). Could you please link it to the correct video or please provide me with a copy of the clip?
    Jonathan Albertini

  2. I went to the evening show and it was amazing. Congrates to Jonno and The Blenders for putting this together.
    Barbershop/A Capella singing is huge on the Gold Coast and covers all standards from beginners to the well accomplished, with Sound Connection and The Blenders for male singers and Vocalescence and Harmony In Paradise for women.
    Everyone should try it at lest once.
    Steve Johnson
    Sound Connection
    0408 248 837

  3. Hi I am the proud mum on one of the students who became hooked on the Blenders at 17 years of age. Why it was only 7 years ago that I introduced my son who was lacking direction and confidence to a small workshop at Ashmore. This introduced him to a positive and new environment where at first he was very hesitant to try. It did not take more than one hour of observation to get him hooked on learning to sing. This weekly training helped him break away from negative peer pressures at school. Well, I am proud to say that he has enjoyed every single day and was so passionate that he became the new Director of the Blenders. In his 7 years with the Blenders, he developed and introduced a Youth program, a Uni program and finally, put together a fantastic VIP all day workshop/concert and event. Well done Jono for all your hard work and commitment and thank you to The Blenders for helping him realise his passion and direction through singing. He is a great inspiration for the Youth on the Gold Coast and we as a State should be encouraging more of this unity and positive energy to our Youth which in turn will build a greater community. Finally, Serotonin you guys were the BEST! and the entire concert was GREAT! I will not forget that night and the amazing sound you all produced. Well done my son.

    Vicki Albertini

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