Newcastle Sport


There’s mixed news for two potential W-League Jets.
Gema Simon and Chloe Logarzo have helped their club, Avaldsnes, to a one-nil victory in the semi final of the Norwegian Cup.
Unfortunately Logarzo aggravated an ankle injury and was forced from the field, with Aussie teammate Emily Gielnik helping the 22-year-old to the sheds for treatment.
Her Norwegian coach says the injury looked worse than it was and she could be ready to play again this week.
Jets mentor Craig Deans is still negotiating with the Matildas duo about returning to Newcastle.

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Mitchell Hughes

Mitchell Hughes started as a tape editor in Newcastle in 1999. He became a reporter in 2004, working in Lismore and on the Gold Coast. Since moving back to the Newcastle office in 2006, he's taken on various roles, such as producer and chief of staff. He became the head sport reporter in 2011 and the main sport presenter in 2015.

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