Newcastle News
Hundreds more prisoners will soon serve out their sentences at Cessnock Correctional Centre… with work beginning on the latest stage of a multi-million dollar upgrade.
While the government says the project is a big win for the Upper Hunter – not everyone agrees.
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The Gaol should run their new road through state land to the state road(Wine County Drive). Not local residential streets. Rate payers of Cessnock have carried the burden of this State facility far too long, over 40 years and its time for Justice NSW to take full responsibility for their development and do the right thing by the town of Cessnock and its rate payers. State land to the state road for the state facility it seems so simple.
Cessnock residents had no say in the expansion of the rapid build Prison extension at the Cessnock Correctional Centre …..Now they have to battle the State Government to listen to their concerns over the planned new entry/ exit to this facility! The current entry/exit in Lindsey St affects all residents in that area! Why do the residents & ratepayers of Nulkaba have to be subjected to the same trauma? The State owned land within the grounds of the old Allandale Hospital has a direct link to the Prison from the State owned Wine Country Drive! They should utilise this option & leave all residents & local roads in peace! When will common sense prevail ?