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Novocastrians committed to saving Laman Street’s iconic figs are continuing a nightly vigil.

As a legal battle heats up over council’s decision to cut down the trees, there are new claims that the original assessment process was flawed.

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One Comment

  1. Bravo u dedicated souls! it was such a bitterly cold night that night too.
    it is a absolute shame that NCC reps wont listen to their constituents and some Cr’s are so stubborn & pigheaded they see it as “their way or the highway”. These elected reps need to be firmly reminded they are only in their positions temporarily. & they are there to speak & act on behalf of the people. Not NCC officers or even their own stubborn views. Listen & learn & read & interpret ALL of the evidence please. Stop this nonsense of tree removal & come up with a decent plan of management for the Civic precinct that has input and approval from ratepayers.
    Resolve & get this matter out of court and save ratepayers money!

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